Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Amelia's Magazine

I also contributed a quick piece for Amelia's Magazine's article on Charini Eco Lingerie Fashion. It took me a day so it wasn't as developed as I would have liked, but I'm happy with it for a one day project. I was inspired by the Sri Lankan deer and the phrase "airing out your dirty laundry in public" which isn't that appropriate, really(!)

You can view the article here.

My Working Process

As you can see, I tend to work from my bedroom. I am guilty of being an illustration hermit but I find I get distracted easily in the studio. I worked from photographs I did with my friend Seb Singh on Saturday using my lovely friend Jess (Dress Me Best) as my model. This is the series of images I'm working on for my Böö Press Print Project at Edinburgh College of Art for the Glasgow Artist Book Fair in April.

The theme is Shamanism, so I'm working from a range of contemporary and historical influences. The end result should hopefully be screen printed in a limited colour palette, (at the moment I've chosen brown , black and pink). There are four others in my group, Emma Alqvhist, Danielle Callaghan, Emily Katagiri, and Sorcha Fitzergerald. I've used some different techniques in my work for this print, using inky pens for the feather hair band and some digital colouring. We hope to have the work as A5 screen prints and put them inside a handmade box with tissue paper tp separate the images. We may have a laser etched logo of some kind on the cover or even a laser cut stamp. I'm really excited for this project so hope we can pull it off well! Pictures to come.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

i've been so blue without you.